I'm home! Never again (in an unengineered ship)...

I'm home! Never again (in an unengineered ship)... Originally shared by Iain McC After an epic 60,000+ light year trip to Sag A* and back (via Colonia on the outbound trip), that started in July last year, I've finally brought my namesake Commander back to Conway City. Ian Norton was on hand for the celebratory fireworks, and I'm quite gratified that the docking computer didn't try to kill me in the final kilometre to the landing pad. I think I'm going to retire my unnamed, unengineered Anaconda and leave it docked at Conway (unrepaired) as a memento of the trip. It's certainly done some space mileage! I haven't cashed in any data as yet, but Sag A* is certainly going to be setting a record for the highest single payout in my exploration stats... 628kCr! I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see if I make Explorer Elite on this trip, but it was quite a star trek! Next time I'll do it with a Tier 5 FSD mod, though!!