
Showing posts from January, 2016

Just under 11 Kylies to LTT4961.

Just under 11 Kylies to LTT4961. It feels like I'm going downhill now.

"despite the urgings of signal5

"despite the urgings of signal5 to exit my spaceship and learn to drive 2 weeks heading into unfamiliar skies, scanning and learning (things I despise) 3 quarter kylies, and then I arrive." I don't really dislike scanning or learning, but it rhymes. 744ly to go. I could do it tonight, but that would mean completing the trip in 13 days. 14 seems more appropriate to me. Found an ELW 2 jumps back that wasn't explored b4. Hope I can claim it. If I make it, I expect the trip back to be less hasty.
5700 ly to go to SAG A. Probably do another 1000ly session later. Done 3 so far today.
Another 2x 990ly sessions tonight. Hopefully makes it an effective 1500ly closer to the goal ;)

While triangulating my end position for tonight, I was asked to get distance to Nuekau SC-M d7-101

While triangulating my end position for tonight, I was asked to get distance to  Nuekau SC-M d7-101 Turns out it is a MS Star which according to the Elite Wikia is Ultra Rare.  Learning all the time. I'm currently 13426.82ly from LTT4961.  Having done 3864.73 ly according to Captain's Log for Monday/Tuesday. Yeah, I didn't have debug logs for the first 2 days.  Noob mistake. That said, in my defense, when I set out. I wasn't planning on going more than 1000ly.

+3450ly today

+3450ly today -16% hull (73% now) :( Just about to hit 10000ly. after  6 days.  Don't think I will have as much time to play this coming week.  Will try and do 1000ly per day if possible.

6100 LY from Conway. Would have been much further if it wasn't for Angus/Signal5 distracting me into the odd...

6100 LY from Conway.  Would have been much further if it wasn't for Angus/Signal5 distracting me into the odd landing on Metal Rich Worlds... It's been 3 days since I damaged my hull despite landing on several worlds, which is good news.  Also, my explorer rank has gone up due to materials discovered which is nice...

Thanks for the invite. It's lonely on the road. Currently near BLU THUA, heading to SMOJAI. Early days yet.

Thanks for the invite.  It's lonely on the road.  Currently near BLU THUA, heading to SMOJAI.  Early days yet. Day 3.  Trying to get through without damaging hull for a change...