Thanks for the invite. It's lonely on the road. Currently near BLU THUA, heading to SMOJAI. Early days yet.

Thanks for the invite.  It's lonely on the road.  Currently near BLU THUA, heading to SMOJAI.  Early days yet. Day 3.  Trying to get through without damaging hull for a change...


  1. Tale your time and enjoy it, and don't be afraid to drop out of supercruise to line up a nice photo.

  2. Your welcome. Although there were boring times while I was out in the black as a whole the trip was very worth it. The screen shots alone would have made it worth it but the rank increase, credits, meet ups, cool objects, etc., all make me very glad I went! I'm planning on accompanying my daughter to Sag A* very soon. She is learning to fuel scoop effectively first though, lol.

  3. I quite fancy having another crack at a Sag A* jaunt, now that we have SRVs. I might sacrifice a bit of jump range for decent thrusters and a small shield, so that I don't l risk too much hull damage on those high-g planetary landings!

    After all, it would be a shame to land on a nice HMW 10k from home and not have the thruster power to get back into orbit!

  4. Thanks for all the encouragement.  Do any of you have a tool to tally all the discoveries you make?  Also,  if you do the trip and scan a 100 or so class g or higher stars and probably double that in interesting planets and larger gas giants, how big a contribution is it to your Explorer rank?  Would you need to do this 2 or 3 times to be Elite?

  5. Chris Dibben
    Thanks.  Didn't know it existed.  Found it on a search here on G+.

  6. Started using Captain's Log to log discoveries

  7. Ian Stoffberg Captain's Log is essential. You can make system notes (show up for that system ever time you visit it), jump notes (only for that particular jump) and there's an easy way to note all the stars and planets you discover.

    It automatically logs every system you visit. I have it running all the time I play Elite.

  8. Ian Stoffberg I think Captain's Log is about the best exploration tool you will find at the moment. I used it for my trip to Sag A* and back.

  9. Just finished for the evening.   2000LY in one session is not bad for me.  Also got some logging of my exploration scans going with Captains Log, EDConnector+EDStarMap.  To all the CMDR's who shared so much knowledge today thank you so much. A special thanks to Signal5/Angus for answering endless questions on TS3.  It's 11:30pm and due to timezones I couldn't spend more time with Cmdr OL and Cmdr Ian Norton. Next tme ;)

  10. Ian Stoffberg You know we're in the same time zone, right? :-)

    Good talking to you and godspeed on the next leg commander!

  11. ollie clark
    I thought you were GMT.  My bad.

  12. Ian Stoffberg I am GMT. I thought you were too. LOL :-)

  13. ollie clark Sorry no.  GMT+2.  That said, with daylight saving on your side, sometimes the diff is only 1 hour instead of 2.  One of the reasons why I couldn't keep up with some of the GuildWars events.


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