Today I noticed a blob on the galaxy map that moved a bit different to the other stars.

Today I noticed a blob on the galaxy map that moved a bit different to the other stars.

15 mins later and I'm my asp and buzzing around 4 black holes!


  1. Good find. Visible on the galaxy map as distortion?

  2. No just a fuzzy star. HIP 63835

  3. Suffice it to say, I'm exploring again :)

  4. I've got two of my three commanders out in the black at the moment. #1 is doing a quick nebula tour to the Heart & Soul and back as a shakedown cruise for my newly engineered Exploriconda, while #2 is 27kly out on their Pioneer to Elite grand tour to Beagle Point (coming back via Colonia). Still got 55kly to Beagle... gonna take a while!

  5. Iain McC Good luck on your journey! I finally arrived in Colonia a couple of months ago in one account but one other is still 500 jumps out from Colonia (opposite direction from the bubble). o7!


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