As we're nearing the goal time to make arrangements for a day to meet up.

As we're nearing the goal time to make arrangements for a day to meet up.

If we aim to be within 200ly on the voted for day.  Then we can arrange a time to meet up.

If we can make it Sunday, then we might be able to make time for nikhil ranjit to join us sometime when time differences allow.

Could be we have two meets.


  1. Might still be in the area at the time, so happy to meet up.

    I'm of the view that its only worth coming back in if there's another community goal.

  2. We all could meet up at sag a.I am.not far ..I can reach sag a in 2-3 hours and I will wait till you folks can reach there. ..Or just tell me the UK time when you guys want to meet I will come there...that is if I don't reach sag A by then..:)

  3. The next step is to work out an approximate time...

  4. nikhil ranjit​, well if you do get there first, you can still meet up and join us back there for group photos.

  5. Spencer Cook obviously....that was why I even cane on this journey..I need group pics...:)


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