I didn't have as much time as I hoped tonight but I did make it to Eodgols CP-A d73.

I didn't have as much time as I hoped tonight but I did make it to Eodgols CP-A d73. That's just short of the 10,500 LY mark. The only thing of interest today was a few more water worlds, a Gas Giant with Water based life and a type B star. The first I've ever encountered.


  1. I love those greenish-blue ones. So pretty.

  2. I parked just beyond the 10.5 kly mark and I am planning to go to 11.5 kly or even 12 kly tonight.
    Currently I am doing sessions of 500 ly, each around 45 minutes, take a break, and then do another.

    Edit: Added .5 after parking position. I started from 10 kly yesterday.


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