Not making much headway towards Sagittarius A* at the moment as I'm traveling sideways from the Trifid Nebula to the...

Not making much headway towards Sagittarius A* at the moment as I'm traveling sideways from the Trifid Nebula to the Cat's Paw. Still got 600 ly to go.
I think tomorrow I'll do around 400 to 500, and Saturday slowly do the rest, passing through a cloud of white stars.
I like white stars.

And then on towards the core.

And I'm closing in on 2000 systems total, I'm hoping to reach NGC something-something in time for the celebration. I'd very much prefer that over a randomly generated system.


  1. I should be there too. Over 4K out now so I'm gaining on you slowly.

  2. Looking forward to seeing you over there, Max Acceleration​!
    I've gotta say that the first 5 kly of this trip were great, and I can't say at all that I'm tired of the good, old jump, scoop, scan.
    I'm planning my trip carefully, trying to avoid too much random stuff, heading towards real things, even if it means a few hundred lightyears detour.
    I know this is gonna get harder the closer I'll get. It appears that after NGC xyz there's mostly random stuff, but I'll find something else.

  3. Dennis Wronka Yes, it will be nice to meet up again. Still a long way to go to Sag A even from the Cats Paw. It's a very long trip but certainly worth the effort!

  4. Coo, you're really taking your time and seeing the sights!


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