My 2nd Sag A* trip with my Daughter (her 1st trip) is going slow but very well.
My 2nd Sag A* trip with my Daughter (her 1st trip) is going slow but very well. Her calling in Elite is certainly exploration although she is now showing an interest in mining as well. We are nearing 2K ly out so at the current rate I believe we will make it to Sag A* around November or December. I may have to break down and get her a 2nd account so she can do other things while she is out exploring. I suspect I'll make Elite explorer by the time we get back and she should at least make Ranger.

I made pioneer from my SagA trip.
ReplyDeleteJames Dominguez me too! I'm half way through Ranger now. The Sag A trip certainly does wonders for exploration rank!
ReplyDeleteI got home and hit Pioneer 97%, which was frustrating. My main reason for doing the Barnard's Loop trip was to make Elite.
ReplyDeleteJames Dominguez It takes an age to make it through Ranger and Pioneer to Elite. I'm still pretty confident i'll make Elite in Exploration before Combat or Trade.
ReplyDeleteI'm same level in combat and trade: Broker and Master. So that's... three to Elite, right? Dangerous, Deadly, Elite?
ReplyDeleteJames Dominguez yep, 3 to go. I'm just about to hit Master for combat and I've been Entrepreneur in trade for over 6 months but still only 17%! At this rate I'll be elite in trade in about 4 years!
ReplyDeletechecks Oh, next after broker. Yeah, I imagine that'll crawl by. I was happy with how quickly mining got me to broker.
ReplyDeleteJames Dominguez Obtaining Elite in any of the areas takes a very long time but then I guess it should so it feels like we've accomplished a great feat once we finally make it.
ReplyDeleteWell, I just had a setback: destroyed in combat for the first time in... I don't know, many months! My boyfriend got on for the first time in ages this evening, and he has a Vulture, so I stopped mining, popped into my Vulture, and we formed... Vulture Club! We had fun, but then I went back solo after he logged off, and picked on a wing of two Asp Scouts and a Fed Gunship. I forgot that the Scouts actually take a bit of punishment to take out, and as I took out one, the Gunship stripped my shields with goddamned plasma accelerator shots. I tried to run, but my FSD malfunctioned from the damage. It was over pretty quickly.
ReplyDeleteJames Dominguez That sucks. Plasma has killed me more than a few times. It just evaporates shields! Sadly I am just not good with fixed weapons unless the ship is parked right in front of me so I can't use the same against them.