I'm now the furthest out I have ever been from "The Bubble", a modest 5.4 kylies as the Thargoid flies, but since...

I'm now the furthest out I have ever been from "The Bubble", a modest 5.4 kylies as the Thargoid flies, but since I'm not taking a direct route to Sag A*, I still have a very long way to go. Still no Earth-likes yet, but I've had a good crop of "Costners" and life-bearing gas giants on my journey thus far. One thing that's struck me is just how small Barnard's Loop appears this far out. It's now so small it fits inside the navigation reticule on my HUD. Golden Annie is holding up well - only 4% hull damage so far, from a couple of stupid sun-dives while fuel scooping, but my planetside excursions have yielded enough materials for a few AFM refills, so I don't have to worry about any modules conking out just yet. https://coriolis.io/outfit/anaconda/05A6A6A5D5A8D5C-1f1f-1c1c--0300020203040404063dv2050s0s0sB32i2f24.AwRj4z1TWeJA.EwBjEZJSduuKW1hA?bn=Explorer%20Annie Still, it will be good to complete my journey so that I can use some of the Yt...