It's time for the black.

It's time for the black.

Prisma Zmaragdus is at 42Ly, with weapons and SRV's as specced beneath.

Exploration is no hurry time. I'm setting off from Conway City in LTT 4961 to the old worlds on Monday 11th July 3302. Starting off at Reorte, and Reidquat. See what's on the landables there, and checking the reference line towards the Formidine Rift.

There is no hurry on this journey, so plenty of time for surface stops and looking around. We'll set waypoints as we make our way out.

I'll only be doing a couple of days exploration each week, and then having downtime, and mooching around before moving on to the next. I expect to be gone for a few months. I'll be in touch regularly, and people are welcome to join me. I believe Ian Norton  is ready as well.


  1. Cool. I'm still doing the grind for upgrades. Will follow (roughly) the way points in a week or 3.

  2. That may indeed give me time to return and ready my Asp for the trip as well!

  3. NICE!

    I was tempted by   outside's materials farming thing before I go (one more roll?)


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