I'm now the furthest out I have ever been from "The Bubble", a modest 5.4 kylies as the Thargoid flies, but since...

I'm now the furthest out I have ever been from "The Bubble", a modest 5.4 kylies as the Thargoid flies, but since I'm not taking a direct route to Sag A*, I still have a very long way to go.

Still no Earth-likes yet, but I've had a good crop of "Costners" and life-bearing gas giants on my journey thus far. One thing that's struck me is just how small Barnard's Loop appears this far out. It's now so small it fits inside the navigation reticule on my HUD.

Golden Annie is holding up well - only 4% hull damage so far, from a couple of stupid sun-dives while fuel scooping, but my planetside excursions have yielded enough materials for a few AFM refills, so I don't have to worry about any modules conking out just yet.


Still, it will be good to complete my journey so that I can use some of the Yttrium I've gathered for a few juicy FSD range upgrades for the inevitable jaunt to Beagle Point I'd like to do after I get back.


  1. Are you in the NULL sag a group* we have 26 waypoints set to make navigation easier

  2. Spencer Cook Easy? Bah! Where's the fun in that? ;-)

    The purpose of the trip is less to get to Sag A* and back (though that is an important part of it - it's a rite of passage for all serious explorer types, after all), but more to rank up from Ranger to Elite, hence I'm taking a more scenic route that's more likely to yield first discoveries.

    I'm not in any particular rush, since I have my Aemon Roche account to scratch any pew-pew itches.

  3. Are you logging everything with captains log or something similar?

  4. Ian Stoffberg I'm not, as it happens. I want to just enjoy the journey rather than keep an exhaustive record of what I've found and how much it might be worth. No doubt I'll get a few surprises when I get back to the Bubble.

  5. Iain McC I like it because even if you're not worried about the money it is a nice way to log unusual world's you plan to return to if they ever allow flying into atmospheres or to keep track of first discoveries where you could build a Base in season 8 of ED.

  6. Chris Dibben I think I'd only want to land on the first one.

  7. Ian Stoffberg At least now you can bookmark interesting systems you might want to revisit on the galactic map. I do wonder though whether anyone has ever seen my name on one of the systems I was first discoverer of. I don't think I've ever refound one myself.


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