Met CMDR Raijiin & CMDR Ray Mobula in OPEN at Sag A to torment the beacon at bit, lol.

Met CMDR Raijiin & CMDR Ray Mobula in OPEN at Sag A to torment the beacon at bit, lol. There was a CMDR Hyperious there as well but I didn't get a look at his ship and there were no communications. Amazingly they were the only ones there! Everyone was pleasant and it was a nice experience!


  1. Nice to hear you can still meet up with commanders in the core and not get blown to smithereens. I think I'd probably just run away! :-)

  2. ollie clark I was a bit nervous when the Cutter jumpped in but my Anaconda is a full combat spec so I figured worst case scenario I could hold them off until I jumped away, best case scenario I vaporize them. Glad there was no need to deploy hardpoints. I wouldn't want to linger in OPEN extensively at Sag A anymore though, lol. With my luck a wing of FDLs would show up and attack. It makes it a bit nerve racking in OPEN everytime an NPC tour line jumps in too, lol. Found myself checking radar everytime I heard the "BOOM" of another ship dropping in.

  3. Max Acceleration of course, there's a tourist beacon there now so you'll get NPCs jumping in! Hadn't thought about that. :-)


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