OK, as were meeting up tomorrow, father's day, and there's a few different timezones.

OK, as were meeting up tomorrow, father's day, and there's a few different timezones. Let's pick a time to all be online together.

All times specified are UK time, so chose the time that will be best for your locale. We could always have 2 meets.... If people really are split. I'll do it in blocks of 2 hours, and far enough apart to try and encompass all.

They're single choice, but if you see times seating feel free to chose another slot. As of midnight UK time tonight, we'll go with the winner. I'm easy with any time, got 3 Kylie to go.


  1. The only one I can't do is the 10pm to midnight slot.

  2. Meeting is at sag a I am.assuming?

  3. The new unit of interstellar distance. "The Kylie"

  4. Yeah, a time to group for photos

  5. Sorry I won't be able to be there. Not had the opportunity to log on at all this week. Looking forward to seeing the photos and the fireworks, though.

  6. Best for me is probably "late" night - 10pm is earlier than I can normally guarantee to be on :-). I'll do my best to make any time though.

  7. Looking at it between 9 and 11 might be the going rate.

  8. Oh well...If we are meeting at 10 Pm UK time ..I need to be awake at 2:30 AM here....:)

  9. Well if anyone can make it between 4 and 6pm. I can, unless you're happy with 2.30 lol

  10. I may be able to get on for a bit between 4-6 but not for the whole time. I'll see who's about if I can. I've booked 9-11 so I'll be around for the whole of that.

  11. I might change how I plot the jumps.. Spent nearly 25mins plotting 700ly. Looks like I'll have to pause Netflix..

  12. It was posted up a while back, but the following can help you find a sweet spot:

    Calculate 11 times your shortest jump range then find systems at that distance on the map. Try to route plan to them, it won't be quick. Try reducing the distance by 1-2Ly each time until the route plan is nearly instantaneous.

    You don't have to wait for the previous route to complete, but the FPS drop will be horrendous.

    I found my sweet spot was 330Ly and gave 10 jumps before a replan was needed.


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