OK folks..I will try my best to travel 3800LY today..pls keep me.update to your current location when u start from...

OK folks..I will try my best to travel 3800LY today..pls keep me.update to your current location when u start from the 4rth waypoint..
And please Indore me when you folks are about to leave..:)..I will be keeping my eye in this page for quite a while.now..;)..I wanna join u people as soon as I can..
And please send me.friend request...
I am CMDR cluseau
I have already started my journey to the first waypoint...its only a 110 jumps to fourth waypoint...


  1. I'm not quite at the 4th waypoint yet. I'll be continuing tonight. Sorry forgot to friend you last night. I'll do it tonight.

  2. ollie clark OK..I want to catch up to you guys ....that's the reason I agreed to go on this trip..it's lonely to go alone...:)

  3. nikhil ranjit It is. :-) we're all on team speak when we're online. lan-uk.derwentside.net

    Work for me now though.

  4. ollie clark oh..OK..can you please.give me.the team speak address and password?

  5. nikhil ranjit lan-uk.derwentside.net - no password. Spencer Cook runs the server.


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