TWELFTH WAYPOINT: PRU AIN CW-C d13-19 (961.94ly from Eodgols OZ-C b14-7)


  1. Spencer Cook I'm going to do some sight seeing at the next nebula to give people time to catch up. Not sure how much time I'll have next week anyway.

  2. Well I suppose it's only 3 hours behind.

  3. And I'm 29 jumps from waypoint 9

  4. The last three systems have had high mass bodies outside my d scanner range. I've been getting gravitational lensing but haven't been able to see any neutron stars or black holes.

  5. That might mean nearby systems have them rather than your
    Your current system.

  6. I found 1 neutron star and I think 3 black.holes between first and the fifth waypoint ...bit they are a looong way back now...currently at waypoint 7 I think..

  7. Made it. Not much here - onwards...


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