TWENTY SIXTH WAYPOINT: MYRIESLY TS-G C12-2095 (998.47LY) and just over 1000ly from destination


  1. Oh wow.u covered a lot....:)
    I only have like 2800 LY yo sag A...:)...will post pics of the journey at noon..

  2. Poll for meeting time in Sunday going up soon.

  3. getting lots of cpu usage spikes

  4. Ian Norton use the power play view to plot route..don't use the realistic map view...power play view worked for me..takes less time to plot in power play view..

  5. im going to try plotting 500ly instead

  6. Ian Norton Try multiplying your maximum jump range with a full tank by 11 and then plotting a route slightly shorter than that. Worked for me from just over 1000 ly out to 200, then I had to do single jumps until I was 3 jumps from Sag A*

  7. I plotted a 997 LY jump to sag a..:)..

  8. nikhil ranjit I tried your tip of using PP view but no luck at all. If I'd left it for more than 15 minutes it might have finally found a route but I wanted to get to Sag A* some time this year. :-)

  9. ollie clark lol worked for me....:)

  10. sheesh.. 2 mins to plot a 4 jump route..

  11. Well done, now you need to plot at 200 ly route to start with, and get shorter as you get closer. Another couple of hours should do it.

  12. My PC has no guts.. I tried a 50ly plot and it took 20 mins

  13. Its not the PC... its the choice of distance.


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