I didn't make it far today. Only 200 ly.

I didn't make it far today. Only 200 ly.
As I had planned I visited all the class O stars in NGC 6357. In the third of these systems I came across the first black hole. I ended up spending most of 2.5h visiting those systems. In total I have found 5 black holes and a neutron star. And an ELW in a system between the ones I targeted.
So while I didn't make much progress towards Sagittarius A*, I did make a bit of progress towards Elite Explorer.


  1. Outstanding. Time well spent I say!

  2. Max Acceleration Absolutely! It was a nice surprise.

  3. Dennis Wronka I spent a couple of hours in my 1st account today but haven't even budged from my last reported location in my Senan Torr account. Maybe i'll make 500 ly tomorrow though. I'm just at the 9K ly mark now.

  4. Max Acceleration Not sure how much time I'm gonna get in tomorrow.
    I'm expecting a new PC case, so I guess there's gonna be some screwing around going on.
    But I'm hoping to do about 1 kly tomorrow.

  5. Dennis Wronka Good luck! We sure have a long way to go yet. I will try to do at least 1K tomorrow!

  6. Max Acceleration Yes, and we should try to keep the pace up.

  7. Yeah, bugger it. Exploration is only worthwhile if you enjoy it, so for me it's much more about what you see along the way than how far you travel.

  8. James Dominguez Same for me. But on a long trip like this I can't help but feel that I need to be making some progress towards my destination.

    I wouldn't have flown 400 kls to one of the holes if I really had been concerned about time.

  9. I found my first Herbig Ae/Be, but sadly about five people beat me to it. :P

  10. I crossed the 9 kly line and called it a day in terms of ED. That was some good progress. 700 ly in an hour, and I found a few water worlds.

    How far from Sol are you guys at the moment? Max Acceleration​ James Dominguez​

  11. I didn't take a sounding before logging off last night - it was late and I was sleepy. I think I'm getting close to the halfway point. I think I did about 1.4kLY yesterday over two sessions.


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