I was able to make it to Plaa Ain XE-H d10-42 on my last push.

I was able to make it to Plaa Ain XE-H d10-42 on my last push. I'm just a little over the 10K ly line now. Happy with my progress. Found 3 more water worlds and a gas giant w/ammonia life. Lots more HMC. The universe is filled with them!


  1. I must say that i'm really enjoying exploration! Maybe when I return I will be able to upgrade to an A6 fuel scoop.  The C6 is perfectly fine but i'm hoping to make my ASP as efficient as possible for my next trip. I'll also pack a couple of A class AFMUs (just in case).

  2. Yeah, HMCs are the most numerous of the non-worthless worlds. ;)


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