Max Acceleration​ and I had a really nice talk tonight, sitting in the red cloud known as the Cat's Paw Nebula.

Max Acceleration​ and I had a really nice talk tonight, sitting in the red cloud known as the Cat's Paw Nebula.

We have agreed that we'll be travelling to Sagittarius A* together, but on our own. ;-)
In order to keep ourselves going, and from going too slow, we will set targets where we travel each on our own path, but meet on an agreed day for a photo or two. That'll help to break up the monotony and loneliness and we can talk about the cool things we've come across.

We also hope that the continuous images of us together going ever deeper into the core of our galaxy may inspire others to do the trip in a similar matter, and without having to spend weeks or months in complete isolation.

As our next target we have set NGC something-something, right past the 8 kly mark and currently about 2.5 kly away. We are planning to get there by Wednesday.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the trip even more now and hope we can keep this up until we are safely back home.

Fly safe, my friend. I'll see you on Wednesday.


  1. I enjoyed meeting up and talking as well. Got some great shots of the nebula. Posting here tonight. Look forward to meeting up again in NGC's blue nebula on Wednesday my friend. Fly safe!


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