So here I go again.

So here I go again. Take 2, with a few modifications, a new paint job, my Asp is set to go from Outer Rim, across to Sag-a to the other side of the galaxy and return.  - Rim2Rim

thanks to ollie clark for the help with the over  heating problems


  1. My boyfriend suggested a fun trip for my next long journey: bubble to rim, 90 degrees around rim, then across the entire diameter of the galaxy to the far side, then back to the bubble along the rim.

  2. Fun ?? Trip lol - I'm only 3klys out.... And nothing about this is fun.... Lol

  3. I really enjoy deep space exploration. It's peaceful, and sometimes you find amazing stuff that noone's ever seen before.

  4. James Dominguez That must be well over 100 kylies, maybe as much as 200 kylies. See you in 3303!

  5. Oh, I won't be doing that for a long while. Not even done on my first SagA yet!

  6. ...and my maths estimates about 250kLY

  7. James Dominguez Wow, I'm thinking 2nd account for a trip that long. However, you would certainly jump straight to "Elite" in exploration upon return!

  8. Micheal May Love the pirate skin. It may even scare off anyone wishing you harm, lol.

  9. Max Acceleration​ all dressed up, and no were (scratch that) / every were to go...


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