I tried to explain that to them, when I asked them to move the bottles of wine and patters of food over to the right... to make room for my laptop .... "can't you leave that alone for just one night" -G/F
Micheal May Those that have not been bitten by the ED bug cannot understand. Oh well. Such is life. On the other hand you are catching up nicely. I don't think any of us made any progress today at all. We only did a few jumps yesterday so we are all around 3K (give or take) of Sag A and holding.
3k... that's great.. gives me a target, so i can catch up.... im at 12k atm. I had a couple of glass of wines too many, and the scooping became dangers, so I stopped haha
Max Acceleration As usual on Thursdays I didn't fly last night. Therefore I am still sitting just a few lightyears from the Great Annihilator, right at the 23 kly line, about 3 kly from Sagittarius A*. Planning on doing 1kly tonight, 1.5kly tomorrow and the last 500ly on Sunday.
Just a thought follow cmdrs - can we have a collective agreed time to meet - I'm currently +8gmt - as I believe some of u are on a different time zone. Pls suggest a date and time that is local to u and I will adjust and met up then. Currently I'm head toward the great anthiltor .
CMDR Senan Torr is still struggling to make it back to Colonia. He is just over 10K from Colonia and 31K from LTT 4961 (his ultimate destination for DW2 prep). Lots to see out there though and I've made some amazing discoveries! Even found a ringed water world and an ringed HMC that fooled me into thinking it might be an ELW. I've tagged lots and lots of WW and a good number of non-ringed ELWs. Everyday holds new discoveries!
Just spent 90 minutes in Robigo doing Tourism Passenger Missions. About 100mil. earned. Went from 41% Pioneer to 62%. Didn't want to post on a more public forum. In case any of you want to up one of your commanders exploration rank. Of course, the good payouts come from being allied. There are 3 factions giving upwards of 25 missions each, so lots to chose from! I'm using an Anaconda with only First Class Cabins. 9 missions at a time.
I'm still around 25,000ly from SOL but heading towards inhabited space again. Yesterday I found my 3rd ELW! Also found a system with nothing but stars and a hell planet that was being baked by it's star.
It's a loooooooooog way out there, not to mention the trip back. Well worth it but still very very long trip.
ReplyDeleteSnuck in a few thousand lyrs - over dinner, at much distest to my dinner guests.
ReplyDeleteMicheal May don't they know the universe beckons!?
ReplyDeleteI tried to explain that to them, when I asked them to move the bottles of wine and patters of food over to the right... to make room for my laptop .... "can't you leave that alone for just one night" -G/F
ReplyDeleteMicheal May Those that have not been bitten by the ED bug cannot understand. Oh well. Such is life. On the other hand you are catching up nicely. I don't think any of us made any progress today at all. We only did a few jumps yesterday so we are all around 3K (give or take) of Sag A and holding.
ReplyDelete3k... that's great.. gives me a target, so i can catch up.... im at 12k atm. I had a couple of glass of wines too many, and the scooping became dangers, so I stopped haha
ReplyDeleteUpdate - another 2 klyrs closers now about 10kyls....... Time for dinner...
ReplyDeleteMax Acceleration As usual on Thursdays I didn't fly last night. Therefore I am still sitting just a few lightyears from the Great Annihilator, right at the 23 kly line, about 3 kly from Sagittarius A*.
ReplyDeletePlanning on doing 1kly tonight, 1.5kly tomorrow and the last 500ly on Sunday.
Dennis Wronka Sunday sounds like the day we met...
ReplyDeleteMicheal May Wasn't that the plan? To meet up on Sunday?
ReplyDeleteDennis Wronka yes... Sorry.. Bad wording... Comment was meant to be a confirmation.
ReplyDeleteJust a thought follow cmdrs - can we have a collective agreed time to meet - I'm currently +8gmt - as I believe some of u are on a different time zone. Pls suggest a date and time that is local to u and I will adjust and met up then. Currently I'm head toward the great anthiltor .