For those who want their name added to the Sagittarius A* visitor's list...

For those who want their name added to the Sagittarius A* visitor's list (
Remember to take a screenshot showing your right-hand screen, as it contains your Cmdr name, with the black hole in view.


  1. Only 717 !!! Wow... Feel kinda special being with in the first 1000

  2. Chris Dibben Thank you.
    I think going there isn't on many folks' bucket list. It's a long, long trip, and I think if I ever do it again it'll be in something that offers me 40 ly jumps and has a fuel scoop that simply swallows the whole star.
    That said I have to say that the trip was totally worth it, and that I absolutely don't regret going in the Cobra. It's an awesome ship that has safely carried me to many exciting places, and it would have been wrong to go in a different ship.

    Anyway, I guess the Cobra will still be doing some trips. Mu Cephei and Eta Carinae, for example. Those few thousand lightyears don't scare me anymore.

    I've had some great company for this trip. Quite often having a chat with Max Acceleration and/or James Dominguez. I think you guys understand that you've helped me quite a bit to keep going. You guys made this trip so much more enjoyable. Thanks a lot for that!

  3. Chris Dibben I will. and I think I may also have company on the way home. So it'll all be good. There's two or three places within 5kly of the bubble which I've missed in the way out, so I'm planning to pick them up on the way in, but other than that I'm gonna fly straight home and make a never-ending run-on-sentence only in order to keep the words flowing without conveying anything of particular meaning.


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