I made it! Finally!

I made it! Finally!

I also checked the system in open, it currently appears safe.


  1. Thx... Commputer keep crashing when. Routing my final leg.... Will be there soon...

  2. Gotta take care of lunch first. Gonna be back in maybe an hour or so.

  3. Great that will be about when I get there at this rate. Lol...

  4. Woo hoo! Congratulations Commander.

  5. I don't think I'll be arriving tonight, but if you're in the neighbourhood tomorrow, let's see how far away you are. :) Where's Max Acceleration?

  6. James Dominguez I'll most likely leave the system some time tonight, but will stick around nearby.
    Haven't heard of Max Acceleration today. Last info indicates he should be somewhere around where you are now, +/- 500ly.
    My guess is that pesky family coming in the way of more important things, like exploring the galaxy, again. ;-)

  7. Dennis Wronka i was curisy were Max Acceleration was too.... once everyone arrives'we can get to the serious side of things..... making stupid shadow puppets shapes with our ships, with a black hole back drop

  8. This are serious business. We am serious explorers.

  9. Well plotting a course is taking a bloody age! I'm just over 1.5K from Sag A with James Dominguez not far behind. I'll have to drop off soon so I'm hoping to hit the 25K line.

  10. Last map check I was 1,833 LY from SagA.

  11. I'm now 882ly from SagA. Technical issues caused me to bale after only 5 jumps. James Dominguez looks like we will both make it there tomorrow!

  12. 3:30pm here. I'm hoping to make it there tonight... maybe...

  13. Its beer o'clock here in Perth.... Lol

  14. Don't forget to check in - once u get there, so we can organise a time all together


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