I'm parked just .9ly from Sag A!

I'm parked just .9ly from Sag A! My journey is nearly half over! It's been an interesting trip and I no longer feel like an exploration noob. I've really got the hang of it but conscious that there is always more to learn. It's been really great chatting with Dennis Wronka and James Dominguez while exploring and I hope to meet up with Micheal May now that it seems we are all finally there! We made it in one piece guys!


  1. Yup. We made it. Congratulations all around!
    I'm parked 65ls from the Black Hole. I assume that should be a safe distance for all of us.

  2. Internet is messed up now! Can't do anything until it's cleared up. At least I made the jump in before the issue this time! Dennis Wronka looks like I'll be delayed.

  3. No problem. I'm developing a bit a jaw ache though, so I might call it a night soon.

  4. Dennis Wronka Sorry to hear that. My Internet is not exactly down buts its unusably slow! Everything times out. I can't even use G+. I'm using my phone to send this. Hope you feel better. Maybe I can meet you first thing in the morning my time or when you get home anyway. I'm in no rush now that we made it.

  5. Max Acceleration Thanks. Lacking any medical skills I have prescribed myself a drink.
    I'm in no rush either. I've got no problems sticking around for a few days.
    We're here! That's what counts. We made it!

  6. Dennis Wronka Yes, we made it! Sag A is a pretty impressive site too. I noticed if you fly across it and look sideways into it you get this cool spinning effect around it! Got it on vid!

  7. Congratulations guys, that's an epic trip. Remember to send us a postcard!

  8. ollie clark We will! Thanks! It's been a great trip and everyone made it in one piece with very minimal wear and tear! Hope the return trip is the same! I'll capture video and pics of all of us in the next 10 hours or so.

  9. I think we've all signed the Sag A visitors list. We were in the first 1000 visitors everyone! Congratulations to everyone who made it before and this time! Very nice achievement!


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