I think Maverick and Goose, tried some of these moves in "TopGun" James Dominguez

I think Maverick and Goose, tried some of these moves in "TopGun"  James Dominguez 


  1. James Dominguez​ was very trusting.....

  2. Hey, I had shields. You apologised for hitting me once and I didn't even see a dip in my shields.

  3. I almost went on this trip without shields and at the last minute decided I should have them so I installed a lower class "D" shield just to protect against bumps. It also makes me feel safer somehow having it, lol.

  4. Glad you guys were able to meet up. Too bad all 4 of us could not do it. I think I would have been there early enough if not for Internet issues. It's been a bad week so far for Internet problems.I think the elders of the Internet are messing with me, lol.

  5. Also, the stress test seems to be playing havoc with E:D's already flaky network code. I had a night off after pushing to SagA, watched four episodes of Black Mirror.

  6. James Dominguez​ I side wiped james shield (totally by accident) and lost 1 percent of my hull.... Good news is logged in, and found my hull has regenerated. And I got my 1 percent back !!!! Never know, that 1 precent night be enough to get me home safely..

  7. Micheal May it was the gravitational effects of the black hole. You warped through time back to before you hit James Dominguez so the damage never happened, lol.

  8. Max Acceleration yes...yes that's it totally correct -  having said that.... Did I ever get there at all... Maybe, I'm still at Jameson memorial preparing to take off

  9. Micheal May time warping is pretty strange and undecipherable stuff, lol.

  10. I really hope, E.d brings in wormholes and trans-galaxy movement. It would be great to have a few station out in the black, to dock and repair.


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