Settling in for my evening session. 591 LY to go. Sagittarius A*, here I come!


  1. ...AND I PLOTTED THE WHOLE WAY IN ONE GO! It barely even lagged! See you all in 28 jumps! SO EXCITED!

  2. Found a system full of well-spaced-out HMC-TCs, which is slowing me down. ;)

  3. I ran into a number of suspected ELWs along the way, and actually scanned an ELW just 5 jumps away.

  4. Slowed way down while listening to the NASA Mars announcement, but I'm back on track now with 13 jumps to go.

  5. James Dominguez I wanted to watch, but was still in the office.
    So, was it about water on Mars?

  6. Yes, flowing liquid water. Pretty cool.


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