Decided to head home, last night.... 26klys. Seems an only a short distance, since first travelling to the outer rim.

Decided to head home, last night.... 26klys. Seems an only a short distance, since first travelling to the outer rim.
I considered, that I could keep going, to the other side of the galaxy. But realized, that with C.Q.C, Wings and ships coming out soon, I would like to be in a position to get in on some of the action.
Not to mention it’s very cold, lonely and boring out here. 
My hull is down to 92%, or 91% depending on who you ask James Dominguez 
All other modules are about 95% and none of my AFMU have been used.
So few marathon efforts and I should be back in a week or so.
Then I will sit with a beer, and upload my system data.


  1. Quite a long haul to the outer rim and then to SagA! It was a great trip though and we all have the knowledge that we achieved what less that 800 players did! So congrats on the achievement! Safe journey home!

  2. After I get back, I think I will keep my trips to under 5klys.... you, know... short sunday drives...

  3. I know what you mean. I do plan on one 4K trip (one way) to get my daughter used to exploring. Then I'll be going back to Sag A with her. She wants to be the youngest commander to do the trip. It's a lofty goal for an 8 year old.

  4. Max Acceleration​ thats an epic goal. Happy to offer anything in support for her.. Cr's, cargo, escort.

  5. Thanks, I'm trying to outfit a hauler as an exploration ship. Can't afford more than that from my main account. If I can make it back from Sag A in a week though I could probably set her up with a nice T-6 from my exploration credits. I started back tonight with that as my goal. She will do well with a T-6 exploration ship. It has almost as nice a view as an Asp so it should work great for her. Thought I would follow her back in an armed Asp, just in case, and bring along fuel limpets too. just hope she doesn't encounter any of those close binaries like I did. She should do OK but she needs to practice a bit before heading out.

  6. Hauler would make a great ship to go out with... Jump range in the high 20's a couple of hull reinforcements..... Show her how to find M type stars.... And at any time u say go - we can all bring her some fuel limpets.

  7. Micheal May Yep, my first explorer ship was a hauler. I'll take her on a 2K trip as a test with the Hauler and by then I should be back from Sag A with lots of credits from my trip. Should be enough to put her in a T-6 explorer. That way she will have a decent canopy to view the sites. I am worried about her running out of fuel. I'll outfit my ship to bring a few limpets just in case. I appreciate the offer to come help. Lets hope we don't need to ask though. I'm excited she is so into Elite she wants to take on Sag A. I just hope she doesn't get part way there and loose focus, lol. I'll keep encouraging her.

  8. No doubt if she gets there, it will hit galnet news.... Use that to encourage her - fame and fortune !!!

  9. Max Acceleration Too bad we can't transfer ship ownership. She could have my T-6. All she'd need would be a Sol permit.

  10. Horizons will offer multiple pilots- so that might help

  11. Micheal May She would love the attention so that will be a motivator for sure, lol.

  12. Dennis Wronka Kind offer. I do wish we could transfer ships. I'd just cash in my exploration data, buy a Cobra and give her my Asp to take. Then accompany her back in the Cobra (armed of course). I told her if she makes it to Sag A and back in her T-6 that she could sell it and buy a fully fitted out Asp. That was also motivation for her, lol.

  13. Micheal May Dennis Wronka I'll try to keep a video diary of her trip. That way I can put together a nice video of it when (if) she makes it there and then back. She loves the idea of exploration but i'm not sure she truly anticipates some of the repetitive and boring parts. I loved it but I won't know for sure if she will until she gets out there a couple of thousand light years. Here's hoping though!

  14. Max Acceleration I'd suggest some prep tours. I think the Pleiades are a good place to visit. Just about 400 ly from Sol, a nice nebula, nice blue-white stars and even a Black Hole in Maia.
    After that you could consider VY Canis Majoris. It's about 1700 ly from Sol and the largest star in the game.
    And if she's still not ready for the big trip, NGC 7822 is nearly 3000 ly from Sol, and full of Black Holes.

  15. I totally agree with Dennis Wronka​ I did a trip too beeljuice (yes I know its not spelt that way) ran out of fuel on the way back, in an adder, then a trip to eagle neb, with a M3, tried and fail to the outer rim.... Final made it to sag-a. Ur daughter will have all the support we can offer..... But ultimately... She needs to want it.... Want it more than anything.......

  16. I say this to my own son, every time " I will give you every opportunity to successed.... You just need to want too" - pls pass it on to ur daughter

  17. Micheal May Very good advice. Your a good dad!


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