G/F walks in, and inquires on how my return journey too sol is going.

G/F walks in, and inquires on how my return journey too sol is going.
“12 Klys, to go, making good time, should be there by  the end of the week”, I reply.
“That’s great darling, how’s the ship holding up” – she asks in the supportive caring, and interested tone.
“oh, yer, Hull’s down to 88 percent, most of my AMU have been used, and I have spider cracks all over my canopy”
“W.T.F, have you done to my ship” she screams...
“Your ship ?” – I snap back..
“I designed it, for you, - on shipyard”
“And I payed for it !!!” I yelled.
“If you don’t get   to Sol, and blow up on the way back, this entire month, that I had to put up with you playing that game will before nothing.... I have put everything on hold for you, while you play... If your ships breaks, so do you. – Be more careful” – and promptly walks out.
“Yes, dear”, and I return too
“Engage, Scan, refuel, Engage, scan refuel...”


  1. Well then, there you have it. You must make it back in one piece...or else!

  2. It's so nice to have a supportive partner.

  3. Wish my wife would do my ship designs!....err..maybe not though. Not her strong suit, lol. She has mad skills where it counts though!

  4. G.f wanted to design - on request for cmdr's - given budget, use and style.... She's very good at it. But that's half the fun of the game I exsplain to her

  5. Micheal May glad she is involved in the game to some degree. That's very cool. BTW: you are making crazy good time getting home! I think The rest of us may only be half way back when you are safely docked somewhere in the bubble!

  6. Threw the hammer down on Sunday. 1hr break every 2klyrs... Was able to do alot I.R.L and in the game... But slowing down during the week, after work - side note, very worried I won't make it back....

  7. Why are you worried? What's causing the damage? Tell me you're throttling to zero while refuelling...

  8. Dropping out of f.s.d too fast... In part, I had my fingers in the wrong keys, tired- didn't see "emergency stop" warning.... Hence why I now take break every 2klyrs...but if my canopy goes.... U will hear me scream

  9. But I thought in space nobody could hear you scream...

  10. I live with my wife AND my boyfriend, and they're both gamers, so I'm doing fine. ;)


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