Hi guys

Originally shared by Spencer Cook

Hi guys,


I wanted to send over a quick update to let you know about an important update, Minor factions and a request from Don Antonaci


Important announcement


We are currently investigating an issue relating to Exploration Data. If you could pass this on to group members and direct them to the thread that would be great. More information will be added to the first post on the thread.






A message from Don Antonaci




In short, if you want to get involved in the Hutton Truckers event we need the following…


-          One group that has comms channels (like a large enough Team Speak) to lead the charge, make a separate Don Antonaci thread and organize activity at super short notice.

-          Lots of groups able to join in and help out.


The aim is not to kill the Truckers but to tell them to drop their load or use hatch breakers and collect their bounty. If they attack back, then kill em. ;)


Remember this isn’t in the Beta so head on out at your own risks.  


Once again, sorry for the late notice.


Let me know if you want to get involved ASAP and I will direct people towards which every group is able to lead the charge.




Minor Factions.


Batch 2 is about to go out. Please see the list of groups that will be going through. Some of these are edits. If your faction is already in the game and you’ve requested an edit. This will be on here.  


If you are not on the list please resend the request to me. Make sure you check the details on the groups forum for what information needs to be sent.


Batch 2 will go in as a server side update so it won’t need to wait until 1.5. Once the devs have reviewed it then we will be able to let people know if anyone isn’t able to be added. Any new requests will be added to batch 3. J


151st Freedom fighters

East India Company

The Wulffpack

Crimson Mining and Salvage

Sirius Inc

The First Great Expedition

Dark Society Network

Los Centinelas

Corbago Corsairs

Emperor`s Grace

The Gathering


Katamari Group

The Imperial Inquisition

Operation Winters


Federal Rangers

Dead Men Walking

Snakes of Sven

Imperial Federalist Labour Party of Veloxi's Vixens


Imperator's Shield

L.Y.S Agents

Bukurnabal Brokers

Black Aegis

Stars of Duval

Brazilian League of Pilots

Social Eleu Progressive Party

Elite One

Crimson Mining and Salvage

Aurora Skies Force

Hutton Orbital Truckers

The Shadow Navy

Elite German Commanders

Achenar Immortals

Off World Corp

Elite Dangerous Community

EG Pilots

DCS Corp


B.I.G. - Balkan Intergalactic Guerilla


Nix Gravis Gaming

Ronin of Amarak

Dark Echo

Council of Discord

Loren's Legion

The Black Fleet

Bravo's Tactical

Adle's Armada

Delta Squadron

Communism Interstellar

The Fuel Rats

Blikege Services Ltd.

Northern Light


Nova Fleet

Aisling's Angels

The Kuun-Lan


Terran Colonial Forces

Eagle Corporation

Scryanth Clan

Emperors Fist

Ice Storm Squadron

The White Templars

The League Of Star's Pilots

Independent Pilots of Hyel Yeh

Secret Billionaires

Pan Galactic Mining Corp.

95th Squadron

Planet Express

160rh Soar

Twilight of the Gods [TotG]

Covenant of Helios

Prismatic Imperium

Guardians of Tranquillity

ADK Fleet

Mercs of Mikunn

Mercs of Mikunn

Mercs of Mikunn

Empire Corsairs

The Syndicate


The Phoenix Group 


The Iron Dragoon Merchant Guild


Protectores Zemina Nostri



Zac Antonaci

Head of Community

Frontier Developments




  1. I lost around 12 HMC TCs, a couple of Water worlds and an ELW but otherwise I think i'm OK. Not worth backtracking.


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