I tired, and failed. Then set of in the opposite direction, finally got there...

I tired, and failed. Then set of in the opposite direction, finally got there...

CMDR CatalystZero - 27th September 3301
CMDR Black Marisse - 28th September 3301



  1. Oh we ain't got a hold full of creeeedits.
    We don't trend highly on reeeeddit.
    But we're flyin' along
    Singin' a song
    Siiide by siiide...

  2. The best comment of the night
    "Don't move"...
    " Roger, hands off throttle"
    And the above picture was taken
    Couldn't have been more than 5metre away when I flew by...

  3. I'm still 20K from the bubble but doing these CGs in my main account has taken all my time so I'm "lost in space". Glad we all made it! Sorry I missed the photo OP. Dennis Wronka and I were there at the same time but the damn instancing bug kept us from actually meeting up.

  4. Max Acceleration I think there will be more photo ops. some were closer, we were all can just bump and grove together.

  5. James Dominguez just check the list you were number of 759  and i was 758


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