After all the discussion, I suspect I'll be sneaking home quietly on my own.

After all the discussion, I suspect I'll be sneaking home quietly on my own. The timezones really don't work. Stupid oblate spheroid...


  1. All. Good... Still on stand by if u change ur mind... It's 40 degree, in. Perth.. Got nothing else to do but play elite, and suck up the air con

  2. I'm pretty sure that between you, Max Acceleration​ and myself you'll be the one with the biggest paycheck, by quite a margin, I assume.

  3. James Dominguez Congratulations Commander! Have nice cold beer and then get to work selling your exploration data. Must be quite a lot you've got there. :-)

  4. I dropped 25MCr in Conway. I like that we're close to all three major powers so it'll be an easy job to nip over and dump part of my data with each of them.

  5. James Dominguez That should give NULL quite a boost! Yes, LTT4961 is very well placed. Whoever suggested it is a genius.

  6. ollie clark - Probably REALLY good looking too.


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