I'm 6 jumps from Lave! Think i'll camp here for a bit before proceding.

I'm 6 jumps from Lave! Think i'll camp here for a bit before proceding.


  1. I guess you're back already, but I can be in-game in about 20 minutes, but I think I'd need another 30 minutes to get to where you are.

  2. Thanks guys! I'm still there. I'll be back on in about an hour to come in if you feel like joining me.

  3. Damn. I'm not sure I can make it. Still need a while to get back into the cockpit, and I'm parked at Timocani, in the Vulture. I'll check if I can quickly get to LTT 4961 to switch to the Python for better jump range.

  4. I think I shall leave you in the capable hands of Chris Dibben then. I am 200 lightyears from anything and this place doens't even have a shipyard to throw together a taxi...
    Fly safe, buddy! Take screenshots before and after cashing in so you know what you've earned.

  5. On my way now but don't wait for me if you want to head on in. I should be there in about 30 minutes. I'll join teamspeak now.

  6. Chris Dibben can't find you with a search. Friend Senan Torr (my exploration account)

  7. I'm jumping to Col 285 sector WW-F B26-1


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