
Because Rank 3 needs a cargo that can only be obtained through missions, I'm hoping to quickly grab enough Exploration data in the next 2 days to make rank 4. If I can do that, and get the materials needed, which I have half of them already. I could be looking at 36-38 LY, then I'll be happy, enough to head out.

+Ian Norton Do you just want to head out to the rift?, or are you wanting to start in the old worlds? If you're up for the old worlds, you could make that start while I gather my last bits.

Anyone else?


  1. Dammit. Uncharted 4 is messing with my prepare time for this. Might have to go with a default Annie build.

  2. We'll be arriving at the Crab Nebula on July 4th. I'll be going towards the Heart and Soul from there. Depending on your schedule and planned route we might be able to arrange a meeting in deep space.

  3. I think we will be slow/sporadic enough to not get too far out for quite a while

  4. I'll pivot at the Crab Nebula unless I have further ship damage. I'll look for jumponium while on the CNE so i'll be ready to sync up with you guys. My native jump range is only 30.51 so I'm sure I'll need the boosts.


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