I've been a trek'n in my newest Elite account!

I've been a trek'n in my newest Elite account!


  1. Were your blue ring is... Is appropriately were I am....

    " Not all that wonder, are lost" J.R Tolken

  2. ollie clark Just warming up the engines, lol. So far my "Mark Ausley" account has done a bit of trading and then mostly exploration. Did the CNE and GNE back to back. Hoping to catch it up on my "Senan Torr" exploration only account (a Ranger).

  3. Micheal May Heading to Sag A or Jaques (or somewhere else)? Maybe we'll meet up!

  4. Max Acceleration​ heading to Jaques via a few Black holes... It would be good to wing up.... Still got about 8k to go

  5. Micheal May I believe that our timing may allow us to meet up at Jaques then! I'll keep you posted on my position. I'm about 5K out from Jaques but moving slow.


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