Shots from Sag A with Micheal May aka CMDR Catalyst Zero. These are unedited, except shrinking them a little and converting them to JPEG. If you like any of them, let me know and I'll send you an uncompressed one. :)
Now I can say "I've been there, done that" when Sag A is spoken of. It was a really great trip, although long. I've learned a lot more about exploring and i'm not near done with it. I plan on going up to the top of the core and getting some great pics from the void of space looking down on a sea of stars. Should be cool. Then i'll meander home with a return date of around the end of October (give or take).
I'm parked just .9ly from Sag A! My journey is nearly half over! It's been an interesting trip and I no longer feel like an exploration noob. I've really got the hang of it but conscious that there is always more to learn. It's been really great chatting with Dennis Wronka and James Dominguez while exploring and I hope to meet up with Micheal May now that it seems we are all finally there! We made it in one piece guys!
I really liked this system! Wish I could run across more like this. No ELWs but plenty of HMC TC and WWs! BTW: I'm .9 ly from Sag A. Will jump in shortly.
For those who want their name added to the Sagittarius A* visitor's list ( ): Remember to take a screenshot showing your right-hand screen, as it contains your Cmdr name, with the black hole in view.
I'm having TrackIR issues for some reason. Nearly had 2 separate fuel scooping incidents so shut down for the night. Still have 882ly to go to Sag A but i'm worried I'll have an accident with my view constantly shifting. I'm parked in Myrielk YV-E c11-5656 at the 25K line. Barring anymore technical issues I'll arrive tomorrow morning at Sag A. Also, my last "plot" took 28 minutes to complete!!!
Call to arms - Hailing all cmdr's with in 2000Klyrs from Sag-a. I have 5 tonnes to lavian brandy too salute our journey from Sol to the centre of our galaxy. As our arrival times will differ due to event horizons time distortions. Please check in with a post once you have arrived with in the next 48 hrs Once we all have arrived, I will crack the seal on the first case, and we can all celebrate together with a #selfie in frount of the black hole Max Acceleration Dennis Wronka
After not flying yesterday I did 2000 ly today, and am now parked at the 25 kly line, 899.29 ly from Sagittarius A*. For the last 5 minutes I've been waiting for the route to be calculated... Nearly there! Edit: 42 jumps, as the Cobra flies.