
Showing posts from August, 2015

I didn't have as much time as I hoped tonight but I did make it to Eodgols CP-A d73.

I didn't have as much time as I hoped tonight but I did make it to Eodgols CP-A d73. That's just short of the 10,500 LY mark. The only thing of interest today was a few more water worlds, a Gas Giant with Water based life and a type B star. The first I've ever encountered.

I was able to make it to Plaa Ain XE-H d10-42 on my last push.

I was able to make it to Plaa Ain XE-H d10-42 on my last push. I'm just a little over the 10K ly line now. Happy with my progress. Found 3 more water worlds and a gas giant w/ammonia life. Lots more HMC. The universe is filled with them!

Some pretty exploration pics from today. I think I have a gift for finding close binaries (God help me).

Some pretty exploration pics from today. I think I have a gift for finding close binaries (God help me).

Inspired by Max Acceleration's post I present my current Captain's Log stats.

Inspired by Max Acceleration's post I present my current Captain's Log stats. I started at around the same time and distance into this trip as he did. These stats cover 447 jumps.

I added Captain's Log about 3K LY's into my journey so the statistics will be off but here are my totals so far.

I added Captain's Log about 3K LY's into my journey so the statistics will be off but here are my totals so far. Still no NS, BH, or ELWs. I found a terraformable water world though! I need 21 more jumps to hit the 10K LY mark.

I'm 9,053.34LY from Sol in Prieluia IM-D D12-62.

I'm 9,053.34LY from Sol in Prieluia IM-D D12-62. Just over the 9K border. I have some jumping to do tomorrow to stay on schedule.

I didn't make it far today. Only 200 ly.

I didn't make it far today. Only 200 ly. As I had planned I visited all the class O stars in NGC 6357. In the third of these systems I came across the first black hole. I ended up spending most of 2.5h visiting those systems. In total I have found 5 black holes and a neutron star. And an ELW in a system between the ones I targeted. So while I didn't make much progress towards Sagittarius A*, I did make a bit of progress towards Elite Explorer.

Not from this trip but wanted to share the MENKENT giant orange star for Dennis Wronka.

Not from this trip but wanted to share the MENKENT giant orange star for Dennis Wronka. It's inside the bubble and certainly worth a visit.

So here I go again.

So here I go again. Take 2, with a few modifications, a new paint job, my Asp is set to go from Outer Rim, across to Sag-a to the other side of the galaxy and return.  - Rim2Rim thanks to ollie clark for the help with the over  heating problems

Made it to Prieluia LH-D d12-142 today.

Made it to Prieluia LH-D d12-142 today. I may try to do a little more tonight though. Saw a few nice things along the way including my 5th water world, and a gas giant with life!

Dennis Wronka and I did a quick meetup today.

Dennis Wronka and I did a quick meetup today. I had to drop off for a real life meeting but enjoyed the brief wing-up and photo OP.

I'm here, but I've logged out for now as I'm running an RPG session tonight and I need to get some stuff written.

I'm here, but I've logged out for now as I'm running an RPG session tonight and I need to get some stuff written. Gimme a shout when you're ready for a photo op! :)

Dennis Wronka i'm sitting in Prieluia ZX-V B2-6 with a very nice view of the nebula.

Dennis Wronka i'm sitting in Prieluia ZX-V B2-6 with a very nice view of the nebula. See you in a few hours (give or take).

I am currently sitting in Prieluia ZX-V B2-6, 7 jumps from CL Pismis 13, a class O star inside NGC 6357.

I am currently sitting in Prieluia ZX-V B2-6, 7 jumps from CL Pismis 13, a class O star inside NGC 6357. That is the star I want to be my 2000th system. "Problem" is that I'm at 1981 systems right now. So I'll be a few short jumps and return here to meet up with Max Acceleration​ tomorrow. Would be great if you can find this system, as I have to be very careful about jumping. Looks like a good place for a photo, and then I'd say we make the last few jumps to compete my 2000.

I'm about half way to the NGC nebula.

I'm about half way to the NGC nebula. Found a few interesting sites while jumping today. One was a "classic" Hot Jupiter! Got some nice shots. Very cool.
If I don't dawdle, I should make NGC 6357 in one or two playing sessions. Currently about halfway there from Trifid.

Only made it as far as Byeia Euq HQ-P d5-93 tonight.

Only made it as far as Byeia Euq HQ-P d5-93 tonight. I'll pick up the pace tomorrow. A short and uneventful stint today. All systems 100%.

The Cats Paw nebula is a wonder to behold.

The Cats Paw nebula is a wonder to behold. Cool red gas in nearly every direction. We had to fly a long way out from the class A star in the system to see it clearly. Those class A's are bright and wash out the nebula if you stay too close. I really enjoyed winging up with my friend Dennis Wronka in his flame skinned Cobra for some great discussion and a photo OP. We're taking this trip very seriously and setting goals together and meeting up periodically to share tales, chat about ED and take some cool photos. Our next target is NGC6357 over 8K light years from SOL. Piece of cake.

Max Acceleration​ and I had a really nice talk tonight, sitting in the red cloud known as the Cat's Paw Nebula.

Max Acceleration​ and I had a really nice talk tonight, sitting in the red cloud known as the Cat's Paw Nebula. We have agreed that we'll be travelling to Sagittarius A* together, but on our own. ;-) In order to keep ourselves going, and from going too slow, we will set targets where we travel each on our own path, but meet on an agreed day for a photo or two. That'll help to break up the monotony and loneliness and we can talk about the cool things we've come across. We also hope that the continuous images of us together going ever deeper into the core of our galaxy may inspire others to do the trip in a similar matter, and without having to spend weeks or months in complete isolation. As our next target we have set NGC something-something, right past the 8 kly mark and currently about 2.5 kly away. We are planning to get there by Wednesday. I'm looking forward to the rest of the trip even more now and hope we can keep this up until we are safely back home. Fly saf...

Sitting in Cat's Paw Sector HR-W d1-191, right outside the Cat's Paw.

Sitting in Cat's Paw Sector HR-W d1-191, right outside the Cat's Paw. Max Acceleration Are you available in about 2 or 3 hours for our Cat's Paw Nebula meet-up? Was thinking around 11 PM or midnight CEST.

Sitting in Cat's Paw Sector FW-W d1-155 only 2 jumps away from the inside of the nebula.

Sitting in Cat's Paw Sector FW-W d1-155 only 2 jumps away from the inside of the nebula. Made better time yesterday and happy with my progress.

Currently in Blu Euq JT-G c24-3 heading towards the Cats Paw nebula.

Currently in Blu Euq JT-G c24-3 heading towards the Cats Paw nebula. I'm about 13 jumps away from the outskirts. Getting close.

Parked in Smojai VP-Z b57-0 for the night.

Parked in Smojai VP-Z b57-0 for the night. Will head towards the Cats Paw tomorrow. About 1k to go. Hoping to meet up with Dennis Wronka there if the timing is right.

Not making much headway towards Sagittarius A* at the moment as I'm traveling sideways from the Trifid Nebula to the...

Not making much headway towards Sagittarius A* at the moment as I'm traveling sideways from the Trifid Nebula to the Cat's Paw. Still got 600 ly to go. I think tomorrow I'll do around 400 to 500, and Saturday slowly do the rest, passing through a cloud of white stars. I like white stars. And then on towards the core. And I'm closing in on 2000 systems total, I'm hoping to reach NGC something-something in time for the celebration. I'd very much prefer that over a randomly generated system.

Found a nearly featureless water-rich Water World on my way over towards the Cat's Paw.

Found a nearly featureless water-rich Water World on my way over towards the Cat's Paw.

Still in Smojai sector.

Still in Smojai sector. Some pretty interesting stuff here and there! 5 stars in this system. An F, M, and K seen together here.

Taking a break in Smojai XD-D b14-1.

Taking a break in Smojai XD-D b14-1. Now over 3K out and heading towards the Cats Paw Nebula. Lost some time yesterday because of work. Today I hope to get at least 4K out before it's time for bed.